
The Tiputini River; Yasuní National PArk

Yasuní Rainforest Channel


Llanchama Ecolodge

We are minting NFT photographs, sounds, and videos of the Yasuní rainforest in Ecuador, the most biodiverse ecosystem on the planet! With these funds we will work to develop an Ecolodge for the Llanchama indigenous community that is responsable for protecting 27,000 hectares of rainforest!

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Llanchama Ecolodge

$ 0

We are minting NFT photographs, sounds, and videos of the Yasuní rainforest in Ecuador, the most biodiverse ecosystem on the planet! With these funds we will work to develop an Ecolodge for the Llanchama indigenous community that is responsable for protecting 27,000 hectares of rainforest!

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